# tmp
A simple temporary file and directory creator for node.js.
If you do not want to store your temporary directories and files in the standard OS temporary directory, then you are free to override that as well.
node.js 的一个简单的临时文件和目录处理。
# 用法
# 创建临时文件:
const tmp = require('tmp');
// 异步
tmp.file(function _tempFileCreated(err, path, fd, cleanupCallback) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('File: ', path);
console.log('Filedescriptor: ', fd);
// If we don't need the file anymore we could manually call the cleanupCallback
// But that is not necessary if we didn't pass the keep option because the library
// will clean after itself.
// 同步
const tmpobj = tmp.fileSync();
console.log('File: ', tmpobj.name);
console.log('Filedescriptor: ', tmpobj.fd);
// If we don't need the file anymore we could manually call the removeCallback
// But that is not necessary if we didn't pass the keep option because the library
// will clean after itself.
# 创建临时文件夹
const tmp = require('tmp');
// 异步
tmp.dir(function _tempDirCreated(err, path, cleanupCallback) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('Dir: ', path);
// Manual cleanup
const tmp = require('tmp');
// 同步
const tmpobj = tmp.dirSync();
console.log('Dir: ', tmpobj.name);
// Manual cleanup