# tiny-warning

A tiny warning (opens new window) alternative.

falsy 时打印错误,不终止程序。(与tiny-warning不同的是后者会终止程序)

# Example

import warning from 'tiny-warning';
warning(truthyValue, 'This should not log a warning');
warning(falsyValue, 'This should log a warning');
// console.warn('Warning: This should log a warning');

# Dropping your message for kb savings!

Big idea: you will want your compiler to convert this code:

warning(condition, 'My cool message that takes up a lot of kbs');

Into this:

if (!condition) {
  if ('production' !== process.env.NODE_ENV) {
    warning(false, 'My cool message that takes up a lot of kbs');
  } else {
  • Babel: recommend babel-plugin-dev-expression
  • TypeScript: recommend tsdx (or you can run babel-plugin-dev-expression after TypeScript compiling)

# 参考

tiny-warning (opens new window)