# npm-run-all

批量执行 npm 命令。

# Node API

A Node module to run given npm-scripts in parallel or sequential.

const runAll = require("npm-run-all");

runAll(["clean", "lint", "build:*"], {parallel: false})
    .then(() => {
    .catch(err => {

runAll(["build:* -- --watch"], {parallel: true})
    .then(() => {
    .catch(err => {

# runAll

let promise = runAll(patterns, options);

runAll returns a promise that will becomes fulfilled when all scripts are completed. The promise will become rejected when any of the scripts exit with a non-zero code.

The promise gives results to the fulfilled handler. results is an array of objects which have 2 properties: name and code. The name property is the name of a npm-script. The code property is the exit code of the npm-script. If the npm-script was not executed, the code property is undefined.

runAll(["clean", "lint", "build"])
    .then(results => {
        console.log(`${results[0].name}: ${results[0].code}`); // clean: 0
        console.log(`${results[1].name}: ${results[1].code}`); // lint: 0
        console.log(`${results[2].name}: ${results[2].code}`); // build: 0

# 参考

npm-run-all (opens new window) Node API (opens new window)