# marked-terminal
Custom Renderer for marked allowing for printing Markdown to the Terminal. Supports pretty tables, syntax highlighting for javascript, and overriding all colors and styles.
# Install
npm install marked marked-terminal
# Example
var marked = require('marked');
var TerminalRenderer = require('marked-terminal');
// Define custom renderer
renderer: new TerminalRenderer()
// Show the parsed data
console.log(marked('# Hello \n This is **markdown** printed in the `terminal`'));
Constructur: new TerminalRenderer([options][, highlightOptions])
# options
Optional Used to override default styling.
Default values are:
var defaultOptions = {
// Colors
code: chalk.yellow,
blockquote: chalk.gray.italic,
html: chalk.gray,
heading: chalk.green.bold,
firstHeading: chalk.magenta.underline.bold,
hr: chalk.reset,
listitem: chalk.reset,
table: chalk.reset,
paragraph: chalk.reset,
strong: chalk.bold,
em: chalk.italic,
codespan: chalk.yellow,
del: chalk.dim.gray.strikethrough,
link: chalk.blue,
href: chalk.blue.underline,
// Formats the bulletpoints and numbers for lists
list: function (body, ordered) {/* ... */},
// Reflow and print-out width
width: 80, // only applicable when reflow is true
reflowText: false,
// Should it prefix headers?
showSectionPrefix: true,
// Whether or not to undo marked escaping
// of enitities (" -> " etc)
unescape: true,
// Whether or not to show emojis
emoji: true,
// Options passed to cli-table
tableOptions: {},
// The size of tabs in number of spaces or as tab characters
tab: 3 // examples: 4, 2, \t, \t\t
image: function (href, title, text) {} // function for overriding the default image handling.
# Example of overriding defaults
renderer: new TerminalRenderer({
codespan: chalk.underline.magenta,