# lru

A simple LRU cache supporting O(1) set, get and eviction of old keys


# 用法

var LRU = require('lru');
var cache = new LRU(2),
cache.on('evict',function(data) { evicted = data });
cache.set('foo', 'bar');
cache.get('foo'); //=> bar
cache.set('foo2', 'bar2');
cache.get('foo2'); //=> bar2
cache.set('foo3', 'bar3'); // => evicted = { key: 'foo', value: 'bar' }
cache.get('foo3');         // => 'bar3'
cache.remove('foo2')       // => 'bar2'
cache.remove('foo4')       // => undefined
cache.length               // => 1
cache.keys                 // => ['foo3']
cache.clear()              // => it will NOT emit the 'evict' event
cache.length               // => 0
cache.keys                 // => []

# 参考

lru (opens new window)